Moving to the cloud is not to happen, not any time soon. The biggest proof of this is increasing global spending on cloud computing. It reached the mark of $90 billion in 2022, nearly 21% more than what it was in 2021. The blogpost gave a quick overview of cloud pricing comparison of AWS vs. Azure vs. Google Cloud.

Predictions for 2023 have already been made. Gartner revealed that the world is going to spend nearly $592 billion in 2023. These statistics are enough to make us conclude that every new or established business will spend some amount on cloud services sooner or later.

As you also join the league, you need to discover the price differences that leading service providers, AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure, share. This understanding will help you hire cloud services according to your spending capacity and requirements.

Here is a crisp Cloud Pricing comparison of AWS vs. Azure vs. Google Cloud to guide you correctly.

Things To Watch Out for As You Hire A Cloud Partner

Before we compare prices, let’s understand the key pointers that must be in mind when selecting an ideal Cloud Application Development Services provider.

  • Pay attention to the service availability

Make a list of key services you need and find out which cloud computing service provider offers them. For instance, if you need fully managed MySQL services, you need to go with AWS, as it provides this facility in all the regions.

Azure has this service delivery in limited regions. A bastion host is available in Azure but is absent in AWS. Hence, you need to determine your service requirements and check which cloud computing provider offers those services.

  • Skills requirement

No matter which Cloud service provider you pick, you need to ensure that the tool demands skills that your Dev team already has. If the tool is too complex to handle or process, you will end up investing more in learning and training.

  • Offered Infra Support

No matter how seamless a tool seems, tech support is always required. From set-up to management, ideal support will make things better and sorted. Check out the support offered and pick one that aligns the most with your requirements.


AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud

Detailed Cloud Pricing Comparison of AWS vs. Azure vs. Google Cloud

There is no doubt that these three service providers are forming global cloud computing and are famous for offering a wide range of services. Are all these services should be a part of the price comparison? No. Certain services contribute majorly towards the total price of the service. You need to pay attention to these as they will impact your budget.

Here are the services we considered for this detailed price comparison.

  • Server
  • Cloud Storage
  • Computing
  • 1-year Commitment
  • On-demand price

Pricing Model Adopted

How these service providers charge for their services matters a lot as this will decide the payout process. Let’s look at the price model these cloud computing service providers offer.

  • AWS

The cloud computing leader, AWS, charges users a pay-per-minute pricing model. It’s a complex model and often faces inaccurate consumption calculations. It also provides an integrated price calculated, but as so many instances are involved, it hardly brings any value.

AWS Cost Optimization: Best Practices and Strategies to Lower Your AWS Bill By 40% or More

  • Microsoft Azure

To introduce, Microsoft is the second leader of the global cloud market. It offers a pay-per-minute pricing model. While it’s not as inaccurate as the pricing model of AWS, it’s certainly a bit complicated. The situation-based discounts and licensing model during price calculation add up the complexity. Here is a guide to Azure Cloud Migration.

Azure Cost Management: Sure-shot Ways to Optimize Your Azure Cloud Spend

  • Google Cloud Platform or GCP

With nearly 7% of the market share, GCP is the 3rd leader of the global cloud market and follows the pay-per-second billing option to charge its services.

That was a quick overview of the pricing model followed. They are a bit different from each other, yet there is one thing common in all these service providers: All of them provide a 75% discount to all customers who plan to use their services for 1 to 3 years.

Detailed AWZ Azure Google Price Comparison

Now that all the price-influencing factors are clear, let’s begin the comparison.

  • Servers Cloud Price Comparison

All these service providers are using Linux servers but at different costs. AWS uses a t3.xlarge server with 4CPU/16GB capacity. For this, it charges $267 per month. Azure’s offering on this front is a D4sV4 Linux server with 4CPU/16GB, and it charges $351 per month for these services. In the case of Google Cloud, you have an e2 standard 4 Linux server with 4cCPU/16GB capacity. It charges $240 per month for this service.

  • Cloud Storage Cloud Price Comparison

As these services are all about using the capabilities of the cloud, paying attention to the cloud storage offered and prices charged.

AWS uses S3 and Elastic Block Storage for customer object and disk storage. Amazon S3 charges $0.023 per/month for 1GB.

Azure offers Blob and Managed Disks for object and disk storage, and the per GB expenses with this service provider are $0.021 per month.

Lastly, we have Google Cloud, which uses persistent disk and cloud storage for disk for cloud storage. The expenses are the same as with AWS.

With close comparison, it’s easy to conclude that there are hardly any differences when it comes to storage expenses. But, the price can fluctuate according to the data transfer and operation charges. So, pay attention to these aspects as you pick a service provider.

  • Computing Cloud Price Comparison

How much you compute with these services influences the cloud service majorly. Hence, this aspect should be in consideration while you do the price comparison. AWS uses Amazon EC2, Azure uses Virtual Machines, and Google Cloud Platform uses Compute Engine for computing.

Let’s analyze the cost of these services. The considering instances here are General purpose and Computed optimized.

Costing for General Purpose

     Cloud Type        Instances Type         Cost
AWS    t4g.xlarge       $0.1344
Azure    B4ms       $0.166
Google Cloud    e2-standard-4        $0.150924

Costing for Compute Optimized 

            Cloud             Instance Type                Cost
            AWS              c6a.xlarge               $0.153
            Azure               F4s v2               $0.1690
            Google Cloud               c2-standard-4               $0.2351

From this comparison, it’s very clear that Azure is the most expensive for general-purpose instances but it’s a cost-effective option when you use it for compute-optimized instances. Even though Google Cloud is the most expensive option for compute-optimized instances, the RAM offering is double the rest two.

1-year Commitment Cloud Price Comparison

As mentioned above, all three service providers offer discounts and credits if you agree to remain committed for 1 or more years. The pricing model is different from this commitment. The price model is Reserved Instances (AWS), Reserved Saving( Azure), and Committed Use Discounts( Google Cloud).

Let’s compare the costs of all these cloud providers on this front.

            Cloud         Instance Type                Cost       Discount
            AWS              c6a.xlarge               $0.079          41%
            Azure               F4s v2               $0.0974          41%
            Google Cloud           c2-standard-4              $0.095092          63%

That was the cost for a general-purpose 1-year commitment. If you’re interested to know about the compute-optimized plans, have a look at this table.

            Cloud         Instance Type                Cost       Discount
            AWS              c6a.xlarge               $0.094          38%
            Azure               F4s v2               $0.10          41%
            Google Cloud           c2-standard-4              $0.13156



AWS is a cheaper alternative here if you use general-purpose instances. If a discount is your concern, go with Google Cloud, as you get to enjoy the highest discount for both kinds of instances.

On-demand Cloud Price Comparison

All the cloud providers have an on-demand pricing model for all the four instance types that we have covered next.

          Instance Type         AWS           Azure         Google Cloud
General Purpose         $0.0154         $0.0166         $0.0134
Compute Optimized         $0.0136         $0.0169          $0.0208
Memory Optimized         $0.202         $0.254          $6.293
Accelerated Computing         $0.090         $0.526          $3.678

If a close inspection is done, the table helps us understand that Google Cloud and AWS hardly have any price difference for the general-purpose and memory-optimized cloud. Using the Google Cloud Platform will be the most costly affair in this aspect.

Final Say

The blogpost gave a quick overview of cloud pricing comparison of AWS vs. Azure vs. Google Cloud. But, there are many more aspects to consider when one chooses a cloud provider. As a prospective user, you must pay attention to them. Sounds too complex? Don’t worry at all. Connect with us to get clear understanding on choosing the right cloud computing services provider.

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