Symfony framework that is utilized for developing quick, intricate, and large scale Web application systems. It is a full stack framework that is written in PHP. There are a good number of reasons why businesses are turning to Symfony for Web development today. So, let us explore a few of them right now.
1. Speedier and less greedy: In the realm of information technology, it is not uncommon for people to worry about the performance of an application, especially toward the end of the project. This is of course after everything has been designed at technological as well as functional level.
In this regard, Symfony has always been conceived to be fast from the beginning. Precisely, Symfony 2 is nearly thrice as fast as Symfony 1.4 and Zend Framework 1.10, while consuming two times less memory.
2. Expandable: In Symfony, everything is presented in terms of a bundle ranging from the smallest brick to the whole core itself. Each bundle is meant for adding functionality to the framework and also, can be utilized again in another project, whenever needed.
Thus, the system of bundles lets everything change within Symfony, which involves the core itself. By means of the interface contracts between bricks of the system, the framework behavior can be varied at will, without any need of full reconfiguration.
3. Seamless developing: Being a hugely functional environment, Symfony ensures a comfort for developers to a certain extent. Symfony development allows developers to concentrate on the actual nuggets of an application and to completely validate their role and augment their productivity.
Amid Symfony’s tools that are designed to simplify the developer’s life, there is the invincible Web Debug Toolbar along with native security, detailed error pages, and native sustenance for development environments.
4. Sustainable and stable: Developed by SensioLabs, all the key versions of Symfony are supported by the organization for 3 years. And, even for lifetime, as far as the security related issues are reckoned. For a higher level of stability, the minor versions are too guaranteed and also, the compatibility among the minor versions will be made sure of on the API defined through the public interfaces.
5. Ease of use: Fully flexible to satiate the requirements of advanced users and professionals alike, Symfony is highly accessible. There is abundant documentation, professional and community support, and embedded excellent practices within the framework, which permit even a beginner to quickly feel at ease, while working with Symfony.
6. Limitless flexibility: Efficient and long term support is naturally rendered by SensioLabs. Nonetheless, there is also a whole ecosystem that has developed around Symfony since its inception- the community including IRC and mailing lists and numerous other services that have been invested in the framework.
Finally, it is also backed by a perspective toward sustainable development that Symfony is distributed via Open Source MIT license that does not impose restrictions and lets the proprietary applications as well as Open Source to be developed.
Symfony development ensures the gain of a long term vision of application assets.
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