More than anything, perfection is what one expects out of a development process. However, it takes more than usual efforts to ensure perfection in the application/software development as one has to pick the best framework.
While there are thousands of frameworks offered, developers can get confused about which one should pick and which one should be ditched. With the help of this post, we’re going to justify our choice, the Angular framework, and tell you things like why use of angular in web development, the benefits of Angular, the best Angular use cases, and many more things.
To begin with, let’s understand what Angular is. Angular is an open-source and JavaScript-based framework used for front-end development. it’s most widely used in for the development of cutting–edge single-page web applications.
Officially, it was launched in 2010 by Google and has ruled the industry since its inception. One key reason, why angular is so popular, is constant Angular versions updates. The recent version, Angular 13, was released on November 3rd, 2021.
How Has Angular For Web Development Transformed the Frontend Development?
Angular came into being in 2010 and changed web development once and for all. It’s the foundation of modern applications that ask for swift data processing, auto browser retrieval, and rendering.
All of these and many more capabilities that should be a part of modern applications are attainable only with JavaScript. Angular, being a JavaScript-based framework, acts as a means to bring JavaScript into action for front-end development.
Before Angular, developers were taking the help of jQuery as the key JavaScript library. While the ease and effortlessness that jQuery introduced to manipulate the DOM of a web page are praiseworthy, its non-binding structure was the key resource for spaghetti code.
Spaghetti codes are unstructured and difficult-to-read codes that exist in bulk. Getting them sorted consumes a huge deal of time and effort. Hence, a developer gets involved over an unwanted task.
Also, the large number of published versions was nothing but a headache for developers, and they had to host the jQuery library each time a new version was launched.
It demanded uncompromised attention to the development. A minor error is capable of ruining the entire efforts that one puts into the whole development process.
When Angular came into being, the front-end development community sighed in relief as it was easy to use, added multiple structures and designs, and let one use jQuery in conjecture with it. Angular for web development in 2022 is more advanced and feature-rich.
Angular Version History: Explore All 11 Angular Versions List in Under 2 Minutes
Why Use Angular – Angular Benefits
The next topic in the ‘why use Angular for web development’ discussion is knowing about the benefits of using angular. Using this framework offer multiple benefits of angular, such as:
1. Huge cost-saving
As mentioned above, Angular is an open-source framework, which means that developers or software development companies don’t have to spend a huge deal of money on procuring it. With this framework, its’ easy to develop modern and feature-rich applications at a reduced cost.
2. Amazing cross-platform abilities
Angular is a cross-platform framework. By cross-platform, we mean great functionality on both Android and iOS platforms. With one platform, you can create apps for these leading platforms that save time and effort.
3. Wide range of pre-built materials
With Angular, there is no death for pre-built design elements. You have a huge list of readymade form controls, data tables, pop-ups, and layouts. This facility saves tons of effort and development time.
4. Reusable components
Angular components are easy-to-reuse. This reusability promotes fewer efforts and more outcomes from a single component. Also, reusable components make early and timely project completion possible.
5. Build from scratch
Because of the MVC architecture, Angular can perform development from scratch. There is no need to have a heavy list of pre-build resources to start the development.
6. No need for code execution
As Angular supports CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, it supports the development of single-page dynamic applications without getting involved in code execution. Also, there are features like data-binding and testbed that reduce the hard work when it comes to code writing.
Why Use Angular For Enterprise-Ready Web Applications?
If you’re wondering why use Angular for an enterprise-ready web application, look at certain technical competencies that Angular inherits.
Optimized Server Communication
What leads to optimized server communication? It’s less caching. Angular is equipped enough to make caching as trouble-free as possible. It eliminated the added burden from the CPU by generating static files and increasing the API calls. Also, it promotes page rendering in the document object model that makes data exchange quick. Many developers prefer using Angular over any other framework for all these reasons.
POJO Model to Eliminate External Dependencies
One key explanation of why Angular is its POJO model, which plays a crucial role in promoting easy code handling and making them independent. By making codes so effortless, this model allows developers to avoid complex functions in the program.
Testing is an Integral Part of the process
Testing, regardless of the development type, must be performed continuously. However, the extensive code handling makes the job tough, and Angular supports unit testing that helps a developer to check the real-time viability of an app before presenting it to the client. It’s done with Angular CLI and the ng-test CLI command. This feature promotes the development of perfected enterprise applications.
Angular Material – A Comprehensive Modern UI
Angular Material offers ultra-modern UI components to use for desktop, web, and mobile development. As it promotes the reusability of aspects such as Data Tables, cards, inputs, etc., it cuts down the development time.
Angular & Single Page Applications
While one aims at perfecting single-page application development, there are two crucial aspects to consider. The first one single incidence retrieval of all the crucial CSS, HTML, and JavaScript codes. Secondly, the retrieval should be done as per the user’s behavior and actions. Both these aspects are well taken care of by Angular. Hence, it’s the best choice to make to develop single-page applications.
Project Examples Where Angular Is Being Used – Use Cases
Some of the best-known Angular use cases are mentioned below:
- Netflix website and app
- Lego website
- UpWork website
- Gmail app
- PayPal app
- The Guardian app
When To Use Angular – Type Of Apps Can Be Built Using Angular
Angular is Google’s child that can be used for various sort of application development scenarios. Some of the best-known Angular use cases are mentioned below:
Single Page Applications
Angular is perfect for Single Page Application development. Such applications demand dynamic information delivery and an incredible user experience. Angular makes it happen through effective data management and unmatched routing capabilities.
Scalable Web Apps
Angular is suitable for the development of scalable web apps because of its component-based architecture. Because of this, one part of development doesn’t impact other parts of development and ensures continual functionality.
Progressive Web Apps
Progressive web apps are the new era of mobile and web applications as they combine both. All the functionalities that a PWA demands, such as quick load and easy access, are easy to bring into action with Angular.
App Having Animated Interfaces
Angular is the best bet to make if you need your app to use an animated interface as it supports a wide range of Animation libraries and lets developers create exciting and alluring animations.
Hybrid Mobile Apps
As Angular is compatible with Nativescript and Ionic, it supports the hybrid mobile app development.
SSR Apps
Use Angular for the development of SSR or server-side-rendering app as it supports server-side-rendering and ensures that the app has a better online presence.
With Angular, front-end development has become advanced, convenient, and feature-rich. So, don’t look for reasons behind ‘why use Angular‘ as this is the best approach that we have today. If you are looking for a top-notch development partner, then connect C-Metric today. We are known for offering best-in-class Angular development services.
Is Angular a framework or programming language?
Angular is not a language but a TypeScript-based web application framework developed by Google. It is one of the first-generation JavaScript frameworks that is proving crucial for web application development.
What are the key features of Angular?
Angular is a feature-rich framework offering two-way data binding, directives, HTML for user interface, and testing facilities. These features meant different purposes and are here to make Angular web development in 2022 easier than ever.
When should I use Angular over React?
One must use Angular over React when you need a standardized procedure. In React, nothing is standardized, and every project looks different. But, Angular is utterly standardized. Angular promotes the reusability of components. So, use it when you’ve limited resources and you have to reuse them.
If your project demands frequent updates, then also Angular is a great option as Angular core libraries are flexible and support any pre-defined and immediate update.