This blogpost will get a general overview of Angular version history a very famous and widely used client-side application framework called Angular.  This Angular blog post is mostly for novice to intermediator who wish to explore the Angular versions list and releases.

What is Angular?

Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source web application framework that Google develops to create dynamic, efficient, and sophisticated web apps.  It implements core functionality as many TypeScript libraries that you implement into your apps.  Angular is developed by a team of engineers passionate about making web development effortless.

  • New Routing for Title: Now, you don’t require any added imports to make when you want to add a title page.
  • Optional Command Line: Use the ViewContainerRef.createEmbeddedView injector and createEmbeddedView, and you will have an optional command that you can use to create an embedding view.
  • CLI Auto-Completion for Angular: In the latest versions, it’s easy to generate components, modules, and more such objects with the least possible hassles, as CLI now features auto-completion capabilities.
  • Strictly Typed Forms: All the Github issues before version 14 are now fully resolved , as they come with highly strict typing capabilities. The FormControl feature can now permit the generic type that will explain the data or other value that the form is holding.


Which Angular version of Angular Is Best And Why? 

Of course, every understanding the Angular version history, new version tends to be better than the previous one, and Angular 14 doesn’t disappoint here. It has fixed multiple updates and improvements that make it a preferred choice. For instance, the complete types of forms have fixed all the GitHub issues.

The improved TypeScript-based framework makes developers more informed. It also lets  developers work offline. It even works without any imports. In version 13, one has to import routes and titles.

Auto-correction is one feature where Angular version 14 gains an edge over version 13. Using the feature, developers can easily shift to new features. Considering all these updates, it’s wise to switch to the latest Angular version 14 so that we can explore new development capabilities.

Angular Version History:

Let me get you through all the Angular versions list from AngularJS to Angular 13 to understand the level of changes that are introuduced by each release.


AngularJS version 1.0 was released in 2010 by Miško Hevery. AngularJS is usually known as “Angularjs” or Angular 1.  AngularJS is an open-source and JavaScript-based front-end web application framework.  It is mainly maintained by Google and by a community of developers to develop single-page applications.

Note – AngularS long-term support is officially discontinued from 31 December 2021.

Angular 2:

Angular 2 is completely redeveloped by the same team that built AngularJS.  It was released in September 2016.  It is written entirely in TypeScript.It provides more options for languages.  You can use any language from ES5, ES6, or TypeScript to develop Angular 2 code.  Angular 2.0 is known as Angular.

Angular 4:

Major improvements in the Angular 4 router were updated in the third version.  Angular 4 was released in March 2017.  There is no major change between Angular 2 and Angular 4. This release is backward compatible with 2x for most applications.

Angular 5:

Angular 5 was released in November 2017.RxJS 5.5 support was added in this version.  Users can create Production builds using Angular CLI and the build optimizer by default Agular web pack.  Angular Universal State Transfer API and DOM Support were added In this version.

Business Benefits of Combining Angular with Node JS

Angular 6:

Angular 6 was released in May 2018.  New Angular CLI 6 and Material 6 versions are there.  Important Features Released in Angular 6 as follow:

– Two new angular CLI commands were added: ng update and ng add
– Component Dev Kit (CDK)
– Angular Material Starter Components
– CLI Workspaces
– Library Support
– Animations Performance Improvements
– RxJS v6

For more details, please refer to Angular 6

Angular 7:

Angular 7.0.0 was released in Oct 2018, synchronized released with Angular CLI 7 and Angular Material 7.  It provides Dependency updates for TypeScript 3.1, RxJS 6.3, and support for Node 10.

Angular 8:

It is released in May 2019 with a new version of Angular CLI 8 and Angular Material 8.  New Angular CLI 8 has a new user experience for a basic app created using the ng new command.  There are also Dynamic Imports for Route Configurations.

Angular 9

It is released in Feb 2020.  This is a major release that uses the by default.  The Ivy compiler and runtime offer numerous advantages like Smaller bundle sizes, Faster testing, Better debugging, Improved type checking, etc.

Angular 10

It is released on 24 June 2020.  Typescript capability increased to a minimum of 3.9 so the older version is not supported here.  A new date range picker was added in angular material.  Application performance and browser compatibility were also upgraded to the best level.

Angular 11

It is released on 11 November 2020.  It supports typescript version 4.0 and allows for faster development and building of the applications.  In Angular 11, when we install dependencies, the update process is now 2–4x faster, and compilation is also faster in the updated version.

Angular 12

It is released on 12 May 2021.  Angular 12 now supports Tailwind CSS.  Other updates in Angular 12 include the addition of minified UMDs, redirected source files, strict null checks, emit event option, HTTP status codes, and Web pack 5 support.

Angular 13

It was released on 3 November 2021.  Supports typescript 4.4.  It has inline support for Adobe fonts and IE 11 support removed.  RxJS v7.4 is the default for applications built with ng new command.

Let’s Explore the Angular latest version –  Angular 14

Angular’s ability to add relevant features and capabilities makes it popular. Keeping up the same trend, the latest version, Angular 14, is out and is not at all disappointing.

The latest version is TypeScript-based and came into being on June 1, 2022. As per industry experts, this is perhaps one of the most well-planned versions as it features multiple systematic improvements.

Have a look at a few lucrative feature updates that this version has received.

What’s new in Angular 15? Latest Features and Quick Updates of Angular V15

How To Update To The Angular 14?

 If you manage to understand the gravity of these newly added features, you will be able to find out how powerful Angular 14 is. You can’t miss out on this. This is how you can update to the new version.

  • Get NPM by using the global @angular/cli@next command
  • Once the NPM download is done, use the $ npm install -g @angular/cli command for installation.
  • Next, give this common, $ cd ~ $ ng new ang-routing-example.
  • Lastly, use the $ cd ang-routing-example $ ng serve command.

That’s it. Installation is finished.


– One-stop solution for mobile and desktop: Develop across all platforms like web, mobile web, and native mobile and native desktop.

– Support by Google: A lot of developers consider Google support as another benefit of Angular, making the platform worthy.  At the ng conference in 2017, developers of the Angular community confirmed that Google will give support on Angular a long-term basis.

–  Command-line start building your angular app fast, add components and tests, then instantly deploy.

– Component-based Templates architecture: Quickly create UI views with a simple and powerful template structure.

– Two-way data binding: Data binding in Angular is the synchronization between the model and the view.  When the data variable in the model changes, the view reflects the change at the same time, and when the view data changes, the model is also updating simultaneously.

– Angular is actively maintained by google and has a large developer community.  You can find lots of materials, tutorial videos, and blogs on this framework.  There are many useful third-party tools also available.

– Less Code Framework: Angular has less code compared to the other front-end technologies.  You do not need to write extra code to join the MVC layers.  In Angular, the directives are different code from the app code.  These all coding structures together minimize the development time.

– CDK and Angular Material

Angular is a top front-end framework that has improved its Component Development Kit (CDK) with the new version upgrades.  It helps in dynamic data loading and unloading of the document to create large and high-performing data structures.


Directives are the most useful Angular features.  You can create custom HTML tags to develop custom controls with the use of directives.  Developers can use these to decorate behavior-driven elements.  You can also manipulate or change DOM attributes as per project needs with the help of directives.


Angular Versions History:

The version number is based on the level of change included in the release.

Major releases: contain new features; minimal developer assistance is required during the update.  When updating to major releases, you need to run update scripts, run additional tests, and learn new APIs.

Minor releases: contain new smaller features no developer help is required while updating, but you can modify your apps and libraries to the latest version in the release.  Application updates peer dependencies in minor versions by using the supported versions but does not require projects to update these dependencies compulsory.

Patch releases: low risk, bug fix releases.  No developer assistance is expected during the update.


I hope your purpose of landing on this blogpost to know about Angular versioning and releases is served.  We’ve discussed Angular, a client-side framework supporting multiple platforms.  We’ve covered some of its features and concepts and seen a different version of the framework that was released over time.

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Hopefully, you’ve now got a basic idea of what Angular is and if you would like to explore more about the Angular framework and Angular versions list, check out the Official angular site.

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